Is Your Computer Ruining Your Eyes? 6 Tips that can help protect your eyes

Is Your Computer Ruining Your Eyes?  6 Tips that can help protect your eyes


Do you sit in front of a computer a lot? Have you noticed any issues with your eyes or eyesight? Headaches? It might be your computer. So, what can you do?

1. Make sure the monitor resolution matches the settings.

Make sure your monitor resolution matches your screens native resolution. Every LCD monitor has a fixed number of pixels/dots across and down. For example, if your monitor’s native resolution is “1920 x 1080”, make sure you set your video card to display at the exact same resolution. Yes, you can set it to something different but then your monitor has to “round off” where dots should appear and approximate locations instead of being exactly matched. This can cause some fuzziness and odd results.

2. Try tweaking the brightness and the font sizes.

In your video settings, you can make icons and font sizes larger and easier to read. You can also change the brightness levels to something that feels more comfortable and easier to read.

Some apps let you zoom in. So if you have a good size monitor, consider zooming in when you can within the apps you use most.

3. Computer Glasses can Help

Talk to an eye doctor about these special types of glasses that can help with eye strain. Even if you wear contacts, these can help give your eyes a break. Also be sure and check your vision, it may be that you need reading glasses or a new prescription.

4. Take a break!

One of the best things you can do is to regularly get away from your computer! Take a break periodically. Switch up tasks. Maybe you work for an hour on the computer and then do some paperwork, filing, phone calls or anything else as a break.

5. Get a better monitor

There are a huge range of monitor options out there. All the way from good/basic/cheap up to amazing quality. Most people buy the cheapest but decent quality monitor they can find. But there are options that give way more options for adjusting height and position as well as those spectacularly better to look at. Many have antiglare features, amazing contrast and super clear visibility. A change in monitor can make a huge difference.

6. Blink!

Studies have found out that when people work on a computer, they blink far less. That causes dry eyes and other issues that can affect vision. So not only give your eyes a break now and then, make an effort to blink periodically.

7. Lighting.

Check your monitor for glare. With the monitor off, can you see a reflection from the lighting or a window? You may want to adjust the monitor’s angle, close a blind or put some kind of baffle on your light source.

Also make sure the room is optimally lit so that you can comfortably see your work area.

While computers certainly make our lives easier and more productive, they can take a toll on our vision. Using these tips and tricks can help minimize this impact.

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