Do you know what software your employees are downloading, installing, and using to do their work?

Do you know what software your employees are downloading, installing, and using to do their work?

Are you familiar with the term Shadow IT?

This refers to the use of IT-related tools and software without the formal approval of your IT department. It might seem harmless at first glance - even beneficial. After all, if Dave from accounting finds a cloud service that doubles his productivity, that's a win, right?

Hold that thought.

While Shadow IT can empower your staff, fueling their efficiency and innovation, it's not without its risks. Predictions suggest a third of successful attacks on enterprises will be on their shadow IT resources by 2025.

Imagine Dave's newfound cloud service isn't as secure as he thought. Suddenly, precious data is exposed, causing a security breach that could cost your company a ton of cash and time.

Uncontrolled app sprawl can also lead to wasted resources and collaboration inefficiencies, adding to your company's expenses.

Shadow IT is not just an IT issue; it's a business issue. The decision is in your hands.

Will you turn a blind eye, allowing Shadow IT to potentially compromise your business? Or will you take charge, allowing Shadow IT while mitigating its risks with some rules?

Can we help you with this? Book your 15 minute call on my live calendar.