Current Events…

Current Events…
  1. Windows 10 is starting to automatically pop up on computers offering a free download. Yikes! Henry just wrote a fantastic article about this that we will be putting up on our Blog ASAP. If you want a copy sent directly to you email [email protected] or keep an eye on our blog.
  2. Ransomware has been the most regular and devastating attack we have been seeing in years. Things like Cryptolocker and Cryptowall. We expect a new variant to start attacking this summer. They get in and wipe out everything. Two things that can help a LOT is to tweak and lockdown firewall settings and to do some aggressive tweaks to your antivirus/security suite. As a bonus 3rd item, the best thing by far any firm can do is educating users on security!
  3. Third Party apps like Flash, Java, Adobe, etc have led to some huge issues lately. Flash in particular needs to be upgraded do to a massive vulnerability that can take out an entire network just by watching any compromised video! Ouch. Be SURE to update all the patches on your computer regularly and particularly 3rd party patches which we never used to care as much about but now the hackers are using to wreak havoc.
  4. Finally, we have a newsletter that comes out once a month. Since we use a distribution service, a significant percentage end up in spam. If you want to make sure you get it, click this link: to get a reminder you can save that will put a pop up on your calendar. Simply click the link, download the tiny file, click it and save it to your calendar. We are always trying to figure out how to distribute better, more relevant and timely information via our newsletter.