Are your team still working at 10 at night?

Are your team still working at 10 at night?


Have you noticed when your team work remotely, they often finish later than usual office hours?

It’s easy to keep working when your commute is just a few steps.

But the boss of Microsoft says we should be setting clear expectations for our people, that they don’t need to respond to late night emails or work at weekends.

Satya Nadella recently announced the results of an internal survey.

A third of Microsoft workers have a daily peak of work at 10 at night.

Their average workday has increased by 46 minutes since the pandemic started. And time spent on out of hours work is up by 28 per cent.

Nadella says the best way to increase productivity is to look after your staff’s overall wellbeing.

An easy win is to make sure they’re not stressed by replying to emails late at night, when they should be relaxing or spending time with their family.

As the boss you can set an example. Instead of sending emails at night, schedule them to be sent the following morning.

That’s your tech update, more next week.