This is why your business needs Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Microsoft 365 Business Standard comes with all the tools you need for a growing business, right?

Well, not necessarily.

You see, as your business grows, so do the risks. Your priority should be keeping your business protected from challenges like cyber attacks and data loss.

Our latest video explains why upgrading to Microsoft 365 Business Premium could be a good business investment.

Cloud Telephony VS. VoIP

Is it time to upgrade your phone system?

These days, there are two main technologies to choose from.

Let me explain them so you can pick the right one for your business.

The first is VoIP, an acronym for Voice Over Internet Protocol.

It's a reliable technology.

What does your email signature give away about you?

You may think of your email signature as a digital business card.

It lets people know the different ways they can contact you. It might also strengthen your business branding.

But have you ever stopped to think how all that information can be used for bad?

Cyber criminals can use your email signature to pretend to be you and trick others out of data or money. Likewise, you may be fooled by a genuine-looking email signature that’s not the real deal.

Our latest video explains how to make sure your email signature doesn’t put your business – or others – at risk.

Cyber security isn’t just a problem for IT

Cyber criminals target all businesses all the time.

That means you and your team will be better protected if you make security a whole business concern, and not just an “IT thing”.

Every single person in your business should understand the risks, and importantly, how to avoid them.

Cyber attacks are more common than you think

And how you respond to one can be the difference between it being an inconvenience and a complete nightmare.

What’s important is to think about all of this BEFORE you become victim to an attack (sadly, it’s likely to be a case of when and not if).

By following a few simple steps you can be confident you’ll not only recover from an attack quickly, but you’ll minimize the damage and cost too.