Protecting your money, identity, and personal life. Outsmart hackers with two-factor authentication
We all think about it and certainly talk about it but more often than not, we aren’t even doing the basics when it comes to securing our internet-based information and accounts.
WPTVs Michael Williams sat down with Alan Crowetz, WPTV’s tech expert of InfoStream who spends most of his time defending his customers from hackers.
Alan puts it very simply: “These days, you have to have a password manager” It’s not a case of maybe. Or getting around to it someday. Now. Is. The. Time.
He went on to say: Remember, hackers are on the lookout for easy prey. “Someone in China,” he said, “can break into your account just as easily as your next-door neighbor.”
Hackers just love it when you have no password at all or when you use the same very simple password on every website, could this be you?
Alan recommends going to reputable sites— or, for specific recommendations when sourcing a password manager. Just doing this, is a huge start on securing your cyber life. He added that, "These password managers offer a bonus blessing in that not only do they give you a unique password, they also track them all for you and fill them in for you in many cases.”
Alan shared a final thought with us. He warned, “Imagine how complicated it is trying to recover all the money from your banking account or your investment account.”
Don’t make it easy. It is your identity and your money.