There’s a type of technology insurance that your business WILL claim on, at some point.
Yet it’s estimated that 50% of businesses don’t even have it.
What is it? Find out in our new video.
Here are some scary facts…
It’s estimated that 50% of businesses don’t backup their data properly. Yet businesses that lose ALL of their data don’t survive for more than a year.
Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, doesn’t it?
If your business hasn’t got a robust backup system, you need to sort this. And fast.
Not only to protect your business from hacks like ransomware. But also from real world disasters like theft, fire, or flood.
Insurance policies are there to protect you if the worst happens. A constant, verified, back up of your data is the insurance policy that’ll help you sleep at night.
Trust me, you WILL need to restore something from a back-up at some point. This is the insurance you can virtually guarantee you’ll claim on.
For more information about data security and backups, please get in touch with us today.