
TEAMS: Blur or change your background on a video call

Got a video call but your room isn’t appropriate for work? Did you know you can blur your background or change it entirely in Teams? Here’s how to make your backdrop look professional, without having to do any tidying.


EXCEL: Always see the headings when scrolling

Excel is great for looking at lots of data, but when you can’t see the column or row headers, you must scroll back and forth to check what the data means. Did you know there’s a great time saver which can lock the headers in place? Here’s how to do it.


POWERPOINT: Add sound to your slides

If you want to create a PowerPoint presentation that will impress, consider adding sound. Music, sound effects and audio files can make your presentation stand out. It’s a lot simpler than you think.


WORD: Concentrate and type more

Sometimes when you’re writing an important Word document, it’s too easy to be distracted by all the menus and buttons. Did you know you can remove the clutter from Word and put it into Focus mode… with just one click? Here’s how.