
Snapchat Threat

Police acted very quickly when a Treasure Coast High Coast student posted a picture of a handgun on Snapchat with wording daring anyone to go to school on Tuesday.

It was only a matter of hours before police had traced the origin of the social media threat and were at the home of the 14 year old talking both to him and his parents.

Welcome Connie Mack

Connie was born in Pendleton, Oregon and raised in Pilot Rock, Oregon where she attended school and was active in band, cheerleading and student government. She then attended Blue Mountain Community College (music major) in Pendleton and went to Hawaii with the college jazz band and choir.

Security Concerns over new Snap Maps

Security Experts warn Snapchat users about the new Snap Maps feature.

According to some, the ever popular Snapchat app is sailing into choppy waters.

Not all users are aware that those who follow you on the new ‘Snap Maps’ can actually see your location, down to the street.

Senate votes to allow our browsing data to be sold

The US Senate has voted to allow our internet providers to sell consumers’ personal information to advertisers, without our consent.

Senator Bill Nelson said this is a gold mine of data, the Holy Grail so to speak. If this rule is eliminated, our privacy rights will be taken away from us.

Automated Ticketing

We have recently introduced a fully automated help desk for clients to open and create their own tickets, monitor progress as we work on their issues, and make their own comments along the way.

We struggled for a long time to find program that totally fulfilled our need to handle every aspect of our clients’ needs when it came to requesting help.

To the point hacking

Watch video: To the Point: Immigration & hacking - February 5, 2017

Stories abound about one of the presidential candidate’s campaign email accounts being hacked and leaked, during the election campaign. Internet security is rapidly becoming a huge worry.

Alert: An increasing threat

Loss of data is probably the single biggest fear in the hearts of most IT reliant business professionals today. If it isn’t, it should be.

You should ask yourself the question: could my business survive if my data was lost? Loss is not only the result of damage to equipment, it can be as simple as employee error, a virus, or even a totally legitimate but bad, Windows update.

Was GoFundMe Appeal a Scam?

Back in December, Sheila Hamner, a 74 year old woman was killed in her Fort Pierce home and her son Kenny was badly injured.

Filled with sympathy for the tragedy, coworkers did what so many people today, and created a GoFundMe page for the son.