
Encryption makes my data secure and that’s a good thing,….right?

written by Henry Verlander

One of the most significant differences in the types of data traveling the internet today is whether the data is encrypted and not encrypted. The difference is a critical security issue, but would you believe that encryption could possibly be a bad thing! Perhaps you have seen the warnings that some internet browsers will pop-up to you, telling you that your data might be visible to others.

How to send non-Outlook emails through Office 365

written by Henry Verlander

Does your office have a copier that sends scans to you via email?   Do you receive notifications from your backup software via email.   If you have a device or software program that sends email, you might take that small task for granted, but you shouldn’t.   All email must be routed through an email server, and if you don’t have one, then you’ll need to use someone else’s.   That’s where Microsoft Office 365 comes in.

Business Shield

What would be the single most devastating loss that could hit your business? Bankrupt you, or put you out of a job? For most it would be losing your most valuable asset – your data.
Ironically, most firms are on the blissfully unaware they are on the edge of disaster.

The Preventable Nightmare

What would be the single most devastating loss that could hit your business?  Bankrupt you, or put you out of a job?  For most it would be losing your most valuable asset – your data.

Ironically, most firms are blissfully unaware they are on the edge of disaster.


By Luis Debs-Mallar of Infostream.

If you watch or read the news you have heard of CryptoLocker, one of the most notorious of the Ransomware type of malwares that have recently popped up in our modern digitally connected society, and the trend-setter of the type that encrypt files until a payment is made in exchange for the private key.

School District looks to collect GPS data

In today’s hi- tech age, not only can technology help us to make our mark but we also leave our mark too.

"There are things being tracked about where you are, what you do, the messages you send," said News  Channel 5's Internet Security Expert Alan Crowetz.