"Go clean your room!"
Whoops, I mean 'Go clean your computer!'
Just like every other piece of equipment, computers get dirty. Now, dirty can mean a couple of different things. Some dirt is physical, and can be cleaned out with a damp rag.
"Go clean your room!"
Whoops, I mean 'Go clean your computer!'
Just like every other piece of equipment, computers get dirty. Now, dirty can mean a couple of different things. Some dirt is physical, and can be cleaned out with a damp rag.
Source: PRlog (Press Release Distribution)
Alan D. Crowetz the CEO of InfoStream, Inc. located in West Palm Beach, Florida has been invited to join the Rinker School of Buiness Advisory Board at Palm Beach Atlantic University.
PRLog (Press Release) - Dec 01, 2011 -
Alan D. Crowetz the CEO of InfoStream, Inc.
Want to see how computer literate you are (or aren't!)... Take our very first version of our InfoStream knowledge test. InfoStream's "Network Expert on Random Data" (I-NERD) Test version 0.94.01a is below. Why version 0.94.01a? No logical reason what so ever.
Here's a scenarios most of us have faced. Somebody has asked a question about their computer, about how a specific file should be formatted, or how to configure a setting on the OS. You are in a different location, and you would be able to help them if only you could see their screen.
Every computer on a typical network is assigned a unique series of numbers specific to that network that identifies it separately from all other computers and devices (printers, routers, switches) on that same network. This is also true of anything connected to Internet as well.
One of our greatest advertisements is your satisfaction. If you are happy with our service, we would love it if you would tell others about us. (If you are not happy with us, please tell US). With that in mind, let me tell you about our new promotion.
Would you like an hour of free computer support? Maybe you have some minor computer issues you need cleaned up, or just want to learn some new tricks for your computer, or even a tune up and speed up of that computer. It could be a training-planning seminar or a review and maintenance of your software.
Here's a little challenge to stimulate the brain cells. The following quotes are from various movies. To give you a little help, we've given you the year of the movie's release. They all have something to do with computers and technology. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to identify both the name of the movie, and the person who said the line.
Are you serious?
YES! Join Team Infostream for the Warrior Dash!
There is still time for you to join us for a crazy day. All you need to do is head over to our website at and sign up. After you’ve joined the team, then you can head to the Warrior dash website at and sign up for the race.